Mommin’ On Repeat


Some days…most days…do you ever just feel like you’re on constant repeat from the days and weeks past? That’s how I always felt during the newborn days…just wondering when…IF…it was going to ever end! Right now, I’m in that struggle with Hallen’s three year old attitude. I feel like I have the same conversation with her every single day. We even have a sticker chart going on for attitude/behavior changes, and when she gets 25 stickers, she gets a Snow White dress that she’s been pining over for a few weeks now. I’ve heard a lot of positives and negatives on doing sticker charts. So far, I’m not sure if it’s making any bit improvements in what she’s doing. It may be making her think of things a little more.

One of the behaviors she has to change is to stop closing doors around Hazel, because she slams them SO hard. Last week, she started yelling, “Mommy! Mommy! Come close the door, because Hazel is coming in! Quick!”😂I had to at least congratulate her on not closing it on her.

And, for the record, I know a lot of this is just because every little three year old is just a mini 13 year old, so it’s a power struggle for sure. And they’re trying to figure out all their big emotions in their tiny body. There’s a lot of mama drama…you know…all the drama saved for me and only me. Every little thing I do is wrong right now. If I help her, she screams. If I don’t help her, she screams. Three year old attitude on repeat no matter what. I really hope that if they’re tough at three, they’re easy at 13. That’s how it works right?! Please say yes!

And, I say this just to be very candid. There are so many great times during the day, that make all of this three year old drama worth it, and {almost} erase my memory of being at my wits end at the end of the day. We’ve been playing a lot of Taylor Swift’s song, “Shake It Off” during the day, because it’s both of the girls favorite songs to dance to right now, and I’ve been trying to do the same. Just shake it off…trying not to lose my patience, and have a civil conversation with her, remembering that she’s only three and it literally will not be like this for long {cue Darius Rucker and big ugly tears}.

How do all of you mamas deal power struggles in your relationships with your kiddos? Did sticker charts work for you? What kind of disciplinary measures did you take when it seemed as if they just didn’t listen to you, and you were on repeat for weeks?




  1. Nicole

    Hmm!! Never tried a sticker chart, maybe i need too. My toddler just turned 4 and his power struggles are stIll very much present and i have a 13 year old and a couple in between! Our hOme is always full of constant emotions and battles and i feel like im always trying tO battle fires before they turn into blazeS, lol!!!

    13 . 03 . 2018
    • Kristina

      Lol! That’s exactly how I feel! So exhausting! And so rewarding! Crazy how those emotions go hand in hand!

      13 . 03 . 2018
  2. Sheree

    I can relate to 3 going on 13, it is cute to see their PERSONALITIES developing. I really like the green shirt and how you tied it in the front!

    xo Sheree

    16 . 03 . 2018
  3. Jenny

    Ok this post is my life. First of all, my kids request to hear Shake it Off at least 5x a day. Second, my three year old daughter is full of emotion. Ive found it is getting a tad better as she Gets closer to 4, but it is still a lot. Sticker charts usually wear off their impact after 5-6 stickers in my house. Basically im no help, but im right there with ya mama.


    18 . 03 . 2018
  4. Seraphina Fox

    both of them are so adorable, it must be exhausting but happy at the same time. thank you for sharing

    18 . 03 . 2018
  5. April

    I can so relate to this post! As a mama four kittens I have dealt with power struggles with each and every one of them. I try to understand their perspective and set limits and this seems to work the best.


    18 . 03 . 2018
    • Kristina

      So important to try and understand their perspective. I’m trying to get better at that!

      19 . 03 . 2018
  6. Gladys

    I’m totally with you mama! It’s so exhausting but very rewarding.

    19 . 03 . 2018
    • Kristina


      19 . 03 . 2018
  7. suresh lukhi

    hey lovely dear..
    i really like your post,it’s so wonderful and helpful details,I’m so happy because for sharing post..

    24 . 03 . 2018

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