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Must Haves for Baby


I’d like to think I kind of knew what someone needed for a baby once you welcome them into the world. Now that I’ve had two, I have a grasp on what’s necessary and what you an do without for at least the first 6 months.  The first thing is a complete nursery. no need to have it completed! Even though, I HAD to have both nurseries completed before the girls came home. It’s just a fun part of nesting and preparing yourself for this new little human being that’ll be taking up space in…

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I recently had an amazing opportunity to partner with Kinbe to help spread the word of their great cause. Children have always had and always will have a soft spot in my heart. Maybe it’s because I’ve always known I was created to be a mother, or because we had trouble conceiving, or because we had a miscarriage…probably a little bit of all of that.I wish I could take in all the children that don’t have a home or have never experienced a loving mother or father. And I know a lot of us feel…

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Hazel’s Story


I figured since Hazel is three months old now (as of tomorrow), it’s time to tell her birth story! It’s taken me long enough! You may not be interested in reading it at all, but I always love reading stories about labor, especially when I’m pregnant! You can read Hallen’s birth story here.I had always told EVERYONE that her due date was February 17th even though the doctors went by a due date of the 27th. I said there was no way. I know my cycle like the back of my hand. With so much…
