Third Trimester. Say What?!


When you’re pregnant with your second kiddo, it seems to be a pretty quick pregnancy. Well…I think the more you have the quicker it goes by for sure. I was so ready for my due dates with both of my girls, but I still feel like we won’t be prepared for a third when this little guy or gal enters our lives. I’m already 28 weeks and some change, so officially in the third trimester. I have no clue what it’s going to feel like being outnumbered by little demanding sergeants, running around, knocking things over, and talking in code. I’m as equally nervous and excited, but mostly concerned with how hectic our life might become.

I’m one who hates to slow down, but the more kids I have, and the older they get, I’m realizing that slowing down is a gift and a need to survive emotionally and physically. So, I have a feeling that once baby #3 is born, we’ll be MIA from a lot of get togethers, outings, and funtivities so that we can enjoy our new family member and not get stressed out about a schedule or keeping up with everyone while trying to recover and adjust. I know that sounds like we’ll be hermits. Maybe you think that’s bad, but I know it’s what we’ll need.

So far, this pregnancy has been super easy, so I’m hoping the baby will be just as easy. Although, the constant kicking makes me think otherwise. Were your babies’ personalities the same outside the womb as they were inside? Both Hallen and Hazel seemed to align with their “womb personalities.” From the beginning, I knew Hallen was going to be chill and Hazel would be our little firecracker. They’re still the same!

I also think we’ll be having another little girl, who’s just over 7lbs. All the predicting is so fun, right? Just imagining what the life is like that you’re creating…one of my favorite parts of pregnancy.

I’m also still running about 3 times a week. I’m definitely feeling more pressure/soreness after my runs in my pelvis as the baby gets heavier. I remember this happening around 32 weeks with Hallen, and then I had to stop running with her when I reached 35 weeks, because I literally couldn’t walk for two days after a run one time. Once the running stopped, I kept doing the elliptical and other cross training machines. So, we’ll see how long I can keep it up this time! This baby has stayed so low, that I’m thinking I’ll have to stop earlier. I still hardly feel any kicks above my belly button. They’re all SO low. I’ve had friends tell me how much it hurts when the baby kicks their lady parts down there, and I’ve never understood it until this sweet babe. It’s definitely a startling experience. 😳 After a midwife appoint last week, I learned that the reason I’m feeling all the kicks so low, is because baby isn’t head down yet. Both the girls turned early. When did your kiddos turn? I know it’s too soon to freak about about a breech baby, but I’m kind of freaking out…

After a lot of discussion between Kevin and I, we decided that I’d give birth at a birthing center this time! I’m stoked for this experience. I really wanted to do a home birth, but Kevin didn’t feel 100% comfortable, so this is the next best thing. It’s basically a home away from home. Crossing my fingers I make it to the tub this time. We’ve filled up tubs for both girls’ labors and I never made it ha! So, I’m determined to crawl into the tub this time. I’m a little scared this baby might pop out in the car, though. So, the first sign of labor, and I’ll be headed to the birth center. Hazel came so quick, that I hardly had time to process she was coming.

As for family life, right now, we really are embracing the slow (just like we’ll be doing after #3). Soaking in life as a family of 4 for the next 3 months. The girls started Mother’s Morning Out/Preschool last  week, and they LOVE it. When we went for open house, they both cried when we had to leave! We’re doing our MMO program through a local church and then on the days off, I’m doing a fun homeschool preschool curriculum called The Fruit of the Spirit. I briefly told you guys about that in my stories, but if you have any other questions, I’m happy to talk about it! So far, so good! Hallen is loving the extra bit of structure.


I’ll be following up next week with all of my must haves for my third trimester. Just wanted to give everyone an update about what’s happening around this place 🙂 If you have any suggestions for your third trimester that you couldn’t live without, let me know! Even though it’s my third time around the block (and third time’s a charm, right?), I still could use a refresher, and would love to give other ladies suggestions.
