Fun With Vooks


We’ve recently found such a fun app for the girls! And if you know us, we’re really strict about screen time on devices. But, Vooks was introduced to us, and all of us became hooked! Vooks is a trustworthy and safe streaming platform where you don’t have to worry about what your kids will see or what type of ads are going to pop up, because THERE ARE NONE! That right there sold me. I checked it all out before I gave the reins over the the girls, and I couldn’t believe just how fun it was. I “read” several of the books, and each one is so adorably animated. There are a lot of titles that the girls already recognized from what we read at our house, so that’s been really fun for them…seeing the stories they already know and love come alive right in front of them. I can’t tell you how many times they’ve watched Chrysanthemum. It’s their favorite book and now their favorite Vook!

*this blog post is sponsored, but all opinions are truly my own!*

Since downloading Vooks, Hallen has been coming up to me after nap time every day asking to watch a new book. And I love being able to have something I trust on my phone that she can watch. It’s the perfect treat for her. And like I said, I don’t take screen time lightly. I know there is a time and a place for it. So when I do let my girls on my phone, it’s going to be a great app that I can whole heartedly love…every nook and cranny of it! The read-along animated storybooks are educational, insightful, funny, and actually bring out their imagination! Yes, we still read books, but it’s been fun to see how the girls react to different stories they’ve read on paper to now seeing them animated. It’s a whole new world for them, and they seriously can’t stop talking about it or asking questions about the stories that they never thought about just while reading the book.

We’ll be using Vooks on every trip we take now. We’ve always been the crazy people who pack a small suitcase of books and toys that I know will comfort them, but now, I can have their favorite stories on my phone ready to go! It just made our car load a little lighter.

And luckily for all of us right now, Vooks is giving out one month free for parents! Check it out with this link. I know your family will love it just like ours does.
