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Our November Rainbow

There’s been a little nugget of hope hiding away these past few months. I began with very little optimism, trying not to get attached to any ideas or future plans. Most days, I tried to push the notion of being pregnant again so quickly out of my head. What if it happened again? I couldn’t lose two babies in a row. The pain would be too difficult.A week before Father’s Day, I innocently started taking pregnancy tests. It had been 5 weeks since our miscarriage, and I just wanted to see. The first one was the…

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So, after I hit the publish button on the last post, I received a lot of worried texts, emails, and calls. I think it sounded a lot more depressing than I actually am! So, to clear the air, I really have enjoyed my time here in Baltimore. We’ve met amazing people through a fantastic church (little plug in for The Foundry) and my job at M.Power Yoga Studio. And I know these will be friendships unlike any others in my lifetime. We live within a 5 mile radius of all of our friends…maybe 6 or 7 for…

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Life Lately

Photos, photos, and more photos. If you’ve seen me lately, I’ve probably been holding my camera, standing near my camera, or wishing I had brought my camera with me! Having a baby (the cutest one, at that), has made me dive into a longtime desire of mine to learn more about photography. I want to learn how light works; how to make someone feel a certain emotion by looking at a still frame; capture those tiny, fleeting moments. It’s been such a fun process learning a new skill over the past 8 months.I still have an…

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This year will be Hallen’s first Halloween. We don’t do many decorations, because it’s not really our thing. However, I do LOVE to see little people coming to my door dressed in something that their imagination created. It makes my heart happy! So, I’m just guessing that everyone else’s heart also does the happy dance when miniature heroes and princesses ring your doorbell and ask for candy (in the trick-or-treat fashion, of course).I’ve been looking at so many things that she could be for Halloween. I want it to be something…

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Just finished up with our four month shots, and Hallen was a trooper. She’s still sleeping them off three hours later. I think I’ll just let her sleep as long as possible, because our two month shots were no walk in the park. And yes, I said “our.” I never truly knew the meaning of “it hurts me more than you,” until those two month shots.  She cried, I cried. She screamed, I held my scream in so I wouldn’t frighten her. She needed to be cuddled all day long, so that’s what we did. I…

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