Welcome Gwenevere “Winnie” Mae

It’s been a month since little Winnie has been in our arms, and I honestly don’t know how it’s already been that long! After your first child, days, months, and weeks really are a big blur. Time goes quicker than that little…

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Happiness is Homemade

Isn’t it though? You can create your happiness and joy. Your circumstances may be dim, but you can choose happiness. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that’s what we’re trying to teach our girls…and even ourselves…

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Stay at Home Spring Break

I know a lot of you guys are still in the negatives up North and out West, but that doesn’t stop spring break daydreaming. We don’t have big plans for spring break since the girls are only in preschool, but they do&nbsp…

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Creative Play with Shape Mags

Who tries to set some type of schedule for your kids while they’re at home? I’ve been trying to be more intentional this past year of having some type of plan to follow on the days the big girls don’t go to…

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Disney Trip 2018

DISNEY!I’ve been so lazy in writing posts over the past couple months…okay really the past nine. I don’t know what it was about being pregnant, but I had a little less motivation to work during nap time. I wanted to zone…

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When Your Mom Instinct Takes Over

My heart is still racing just typing this out. My mind is flowing with the what ifs and could have beens. This post won’t have any pretty photos and possibly not even thoughts that are strung together well, but it had to come out…

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It’s been seven whole years since we said “I do.” Some days it feels like just yesterday our love story began and others it feels like you’ve always been a part of me. I know that’s super cliché, but it is what…

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Just finished up with our four month shots, and Hallen was a trooper. She’s still sleeping them off three hours later. I think I’ll just let her sleep as long as possible, because our two month shots were no walk in the park. And yes, I said “our.” I never truly knew the meaning of “it hurts me more than you,” until those two month shots.  She cried, I cried. She screamed, I held my scream in so I wouldn’t frighten her. She needed to be cuddled all day long, so that’s what we did. I…

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Learning Curve

Being a mother has been so much more than I thought it was going to be. I knew I always wanted to be a mother…to many children. I knew it would fulfill some part of my being. I knew it was a calling for me. I didn’t know that I’d learn so much about myself during the process of motherhood (it is a process. Believe me. It doesn’t just happen over night)!For one, I love writing on this blog and yet I haven’t written anything in two months!! I have several drafts going about…

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I should have written this by now. I really have had the time, but I’ve been on maternity leave, right?8 weeks ago today was one of the biggest miracles I’ve witnessed in my entire life. The gift and miracle of life. It’s always seemed like such a cliche saying – “the miracle of life.” Now, I truly understand that not so corny saying.Our Hallen Amélie is such a miracle. I won’t rehash my other posts, but she was prayed for by many people over the past couple of years and here she is. It…

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Kevin and I are far from the greenest people on the block. But one of the many discussions we’ve had since getting pregnant is whether or not to use cloth diapers. We researched a little bit in the beginning, but one or two days of searching for answers and that was that. There was a lot of info out there and it seemed so confusing! A few months later, I started registering and we decided we’d just go with disposables (or sposies for all you cloth diaper mommas out there). We received one package of diapers at our…

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Rule Breaker

My parents would tell that’s the story of my life. I would say, I learned it from my dad.  Rules have always been a more of a suggestion than than a demand.  Granted, there are some rules I just won’t break. I’m a chicken when it comes close to doing anything interfering with the law (except speed “limits”).Today, I’m not breaking any rules that will land me in jail, though.All through my pregnancy I’ve been able to run. I’ve been blessed to run – even through the first trimester. I never had one…

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Touch of Pink

The nursery is finally done…I think 🙂 There are always final touches that could be made, but all in all, we’re ready for this chick (on the planning side of things).  And I have to say, I absolutely LOVE just going to sit in there. It relaxes my mind and just calms me as funny as that sounds. The “touch of pink” on the walls is enough for my anxious thoughts to scatter and my mind can enter a tranquil place. I can envision the giggles, late night nursing, and rocking to soothe our baby’s tears. I know…

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Playing Catch Up

So these last couple weeks have been pretty busy for our household. We knew we were in for a busy October, but it started a few days prior. To start from the beginning, there were four pregnant gals on my side of the family this year. Three of those were due in the first half of October (the 4th is me…and I’m due in December). Two of them are now born. The first one was born at the end of September. Ten days early! It threw us all for a loop. My mom flew up from South Carolina…

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Crushing Idols

I know that every single parent out there will say the exact same thing and I’ve heard it 1,000 times, but pregnancy really does go by in the blink of an eye! I’ll be 30 weeks tomorrow and I’m not sure where the past 30 weeks have gone. I just had my midwife appointment today and I was measuring 31 weeks. Little Peanut still has a strong heartbeat and she must have some long legs too!I’m learning new things about her and what it means to nurture someone else whose life is dependent on…

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