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Ingrid & Isabel Cozy Wrap

Nine days into this having-two-children-to-raise-now thing, and I feel like it’s going pretty well! I mean, I haven’t been alone with both of them for more than a couple hours, but all in all, I’m loving having two little girls to call ours. Yes, it’s exhausting. Yes, it takes a lot of prep to get out the door. Yes, there’s a lot of crying from Hallen when I can’t hold her. But, we’re still in the adjustment phase. I feel so blessed to have another pretty chill infant…

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Hazel Marigold


The past five days have been been a new change of pace and a new type of love I always knew I wanted, but hadn’t experienced before! I’ve known since I was probably five years old that I wanted lots of babies, and that my calling was to be a mother. And here I sit five days after bringing our second daughter into this crazy world, and I know we still aren’t finished. Little Hazel has filled our hearts with more love than I thought was possible, and makes Kevin and I even more excited to have…

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