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Sleep Training


Sleep. It’s the one thing that I know all of us want more of as we become mothers. It’s a valuable commodity, and there’s nothing that can replace it. No amount of caffeine can replace those hours our body needs to regenerate itself and rest, unfortunately. I had always considered myself a pretty strict routine/sleep enforcer at our house, and I probably am. Each kid, I’ve become a little more flexible with routine, though. Some of it has to happen…like driving to and from preschool…and others, I just do to myself…hello Target…

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My office. For about the past year, it should have just been labeled Tripping Hazard or Don’t Go in There. Much better than the title of Office, because an office it was definitely not. Nothing about it was workable, and it started to just collect stuff along with my work stuff. There were things long forgotten about, things that needed to be put in the attic, things that needed to be filed, and junk that just needed to be tossed. It’s amazing how quickly little things can just pile up on top of each other when you don…


Have you ever heard of a vampire facial? I surely hadn’t! But then again, I’m not always up to date on trendy or new things unless it involves babies or Disney. BUT, I like to try anything that has to do with anti-aging and improving my lines and sun spots, so once I had talked with my friend about doing it, I jumped on board right away. We planned out my vampire facial for early February at New Day Wellness, so it’s been just over a month since I’ve had it done.What is a…

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Winnie Mae’s Nursery


Here we are…nearly four months later, and we finally have a nursery ready for little Winnie Mae. I love creating new spaces for my girls, but I can’t get to them as quickly as I used to. For those of you who have lots of little ones in your house, I’m sure you know how that goes. The first kid’s nursery is ready at least one month before they come if not three months early! And the more you have, the slower you get to it, and you don’t feel one ounce bad about it…

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Who tries to set some type of schedule for your kids while they’re at home? I’ve been trying to be more intentional this past year of having some type of plan to follow on the days the big girls don’t go to preschool. Some weeks I’m great at it and others, we’re just trying to stay alive. And I’m totally fine with a little ebb and flow (kind of…remember, I’m type A, and thrive on organization and plans…but things come up…appointments, meltdowns, travels, etc).When we ARE home all day…

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Raise your hand if organized momming is your jam! My hand is up! I think a lot of us don’t realize that our lives have become so unorganized and just kind of (dare I say the word)… chaotic.  We jump into motherhood head first, which is a fabulous thing, but then at the end of the day, we’re exhausted from everything that comes from that job. So, we slowly start to put off doing things or just stuffing things in corners to kind of make it look clean. I know that’s what I used to do…

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Stay at Home Spring Break


I know a lot of you guys are still in the negatives up North and out West, but that doesn’t stop spring break daydreaming. We don’t have big plans for spring break since the girls are only in preschool, but they do have a spring break. That means we’ll be doing a stay at home spring break trip this year. We’ll do some exploring around our town, a few crafts that have to do with sunny days and getaways, and just have some unscheduled scheduled fun. Maybe we’ll break routine a couple days…

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Happiness is Homemade


Isn’t it though? You can create your happiness and joy. Your circumstances may be dim, but you can choose happiness. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that’s what we’re trying to teach our girls…and even ourselves as parents! There are days when everything just seems to go wrong or I have a bad week where it seems like one bad incident leads to the next, and we’re all just spinning in a negative cycle. Those weeks are SO hard! But, ultimately, I can choose to turn things around. And I…

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